5 rules to get the ideal weight
We want to be beautiful, to impress the wider public and ourselves. Many aspire to get the ideal weight, since it’s a problem for health as well. What to do if you have excess pounds and don’t want the problem?
It has to be sad that there is no easy way to a flat belly. It requires serious efforts, but everything is achievable. We want to add that the flat belly is not necessary or desirable for everyone, but it brings a good feeling and satisfaction with oneself, which is also good for health.
Having explored a lot of material about weight loss and being inspired by “Women’s Health”, we offer our view on haw to be free of excess weight. We excluded from our review the hard diets and radical methods which often make people irritated and unhappy thus not reaching the desired result.
5 important rules which will certainly allow you to get the intended effect.
1. Define a real goal for yourself and the time this goal could be achieved.
If you have a diet plan, stand by it to achieve the best results. Do not quit your plan, otherwise you will fail. Remember that everything depends on you. It’s easy to get started, harder to continue, and you can always give everything up. If there is a monumental desire, we can make it all impossible, most of us do not even realize the boundaries of our ability. If you do not feel such a motivation, do not start at all, it will save you time and probably make you free of unnecessary disappointment. Remember that it is not our recommendations that do not work, but you. We always find a culprit. Perhaps a wrong diet, a lack of time, a lot of work — they are all just reservations. The key to the kingdom is you. Alas, that is the truth. In fruition, a persistent walk to the goal is the key to success for everyone.
When you sort yourself, your desires out, you can take practical steps.
2. Drink more water.
Water is an important factor in any weight loss program. Have a cup of green tea every morning on empty stomach that will dry toxins out of your body and activate your metabolism. It is recommended to drink a couple liters of water during a day. Avoid carbonated drinks as they contain too much sugar. Carbonated drinks are one of the most popular sources of excess calories. Be careful with fruit juices. Some of even natural ones have high sugar content. Limit your alcohol consumption, since it contains many unnecessary calories.
We recommend adding lemon juice to water, which will make water crispier and the drinking procedure more enjoyable.
3. Change your eating habits.
Such foods as pizza, burgers, sausages do not contain any valuable nutrients. All you get from using such products is the intake of unfavorable fat in your body. They can cause various stomach and liver diseases. It will also be the case with pasta, rice, biscuits and sweets.
Eggs, beans, cheese, yogurt, fresh or frozen fish, lean beef, lamb, pork or poultry as well as fruits and vegetables are the products that should be eaten. These products are protein-rich and help reduce fats by converting them into muscle. The list of products could be continued, but our recommendation is not to eat the same foods at each meal, and to eat just one portion of the product. Except vegetables and greens, they can be eaten every meal. Don’t miss a meal, eat more often but less. It is recommended to reduce the amount of food eaten by 30%. If you feel hungry, eat fruits or vegetables. You must be ready to response to the feeling of hunger, spontaneous hunger pangs, so you should always be up to have a snack. With snacks I mean a handful of nuts, apples and other fruits or vegetables.
4. Include physical activity in your daily routine.
If you want to lose weight as soon as possible, you should also spend time on physical activities. You can start with the simplest exercises like jumping, running, walking, swimming or yoga. As you see, you do not have to go to the gym, the easiest exercises can be done at home. You will be able to do more intensive workouts later when the body is accustomed to a certain load.
Intensive workouts will help burn more calories, which is highly important as unwanted excess pounds do not return. However, do not be ashamed if for some reason you cannot exercise intensively. Any vigorous activity not only helps to reduce weight, but it is a guarantee of a great feeling of well-being. Remember how pleasant it is to walk in the open air, especially after an exhaustive working day.
5. Improve sleep quality.
Quality sleep is of prime importance not only in improving overall well-being but also in weight loss. It was found that people who sleep little, usually eat more, so they take more calories than they need. Different studies have also revealed the relationship between a lack of sleep and obesity and type 2 diabetes. As we sleep less and less while the world is turning faster and faster, the quality of sleep should be taken quite seriously. It would be advisable to sleep at least eight hours a day, upon that it is advisable to wake up and go to bed at the same time.
In brief, it would be all you need to know about weight reduction. If you are determined to get rid of excess pounds, then this would be the way to go. Otherwise, it is not worth starting at all. Let us not deceive ourselves and assume that there is no other path, since you will achieve the desired results only by strictly observing the rules. We recommend buying good bathroom scales. This will allow you to rejoice in your achievements, and will also show you failures. Do not be upset if the weight is not lost as fast or stays the same, it is possible that some of the fat turns into muscle. Above all, the crucial thing is that you are satisfied with yourself and your accomplishments.
C. Janssens
CRO Akwa Wellness
Originally published at http://www.centredebienetre.be.